Quality Education

As students we all had a moment in our lives when we dreamed of learning in a more interactive way, study more of the subjects that fit our personality or that will help us in the workfield, and nevertheless discover true role models in the classroom. Through the Quality Education track our main goal is not to create a ‘perfect’ educational system, but one that acknowledges the existing limitations and integrates the key features that make existing ones harmonious and inclusive.

Under the guidance of facilitators you will start your journey by identifying the advantages and disadvantages of a wide variety of educational systems, learning a few good practice examples along the way. This is nothing but a small glimpse of what is yet to come, providing a general overview of the key structural decisions that laid the foundation of these success stories.

The outcome of any successful plan is in most cases determined in equal measure by the people that get involved in its implementation. Guided by trained experts you will learn about ‘Initial Teacher Training’, the cornerstone of future pedagogs. Furthermore, you will discover the necessary tools of ‘Effective Communication’, a fundamental skill for teachers, students and decision makers alike.

Moving on from the general layout of the system and the training of the involved parties, your journey will continue in the classroom. From planning an interactive lesson, to changing the layout of the room and bringing inclusivity under the spotlight, the last stage of the track will focus on improving the experience of every student, capitalizing on their unique talents and diversity.

The end goal of this track is to combine all the information you have accumulated during it and use them to try and create an “ideal” educational system.

Join us on this journey to shape the school of the future and let’s work together to create an inclusive and growth-oriented learning environment that unlocks the full potential of every student!

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